Cystic fibrosis and diabetes link explained
Many people with cystic fibrosis develop diabetes. The reasons for this have been largely unknown, but now researchers have identified a molecular mechanism that contributes to the raised… read more.
Many people with cystic fibrosis develop diabetes. The reasons for this have been largely unknown, but now researchers have identified a molecular mechanism that contributes to the raised… read more.
People with diabetes have about double the risk of premature death as people of the same age without diabetes. Studies also have shown that they have about twice… read more.
The antibodies significantly reduced baseline inflammation and protected against inhaled allergens. Researchers at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton and McMaster University have successfully tested an antibody that can improve… read more.
Mario Castro, M.D., listens to the lungs of a patient with asthma (pictured). Castro led a clinical trial investigating the effects of vitamin D supplements on asthma control…. read more.
In laboratory studies, e-cigarette vapours appeared to increase the aggressiveness of dangerous bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Conflicting conclusions in 2 bronchiolitis studies is further discussed in the editorial.
Study finds asthma is associated with decrease in bone mineral density. Some of the 26 million Americans with asthma may also be prone to bone loss. According to… read more.
An international research group with members from the University of Basel, several EU countries, Israel and the USA, analyzed patient satisfaction with pain treatment after surgery. The study… read more.
A new antibody appears to block 2 unpleasant nerve signals. Duke University researchers have found an antibody that simultaneously blocks the sensations of pain and itching in studies… read more.
Researchers at King’s College London have discovered a link between four common chronic pain syndromes (CPS), suggesting that some people may be genetically predisposed to suffer from conditions… read more.
Researchers may have identified key genes linked to why some people have a higher tolerance for pain than others, according to a study released today that will be… read more.
Non-invasive focused ultrasound thermal therapy reduces pain from bone metastases. When cancer progresses and spreads to the bone, patients often suffer debilitating pain. Now, a new phase III… read more.