Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis studies shine the light on advancements in pharmaceutical analytical techniques and overcoming chemoresistance

Research into new drug development is ongoing at a very fast pace globally. In keeping with newer remedies entering the market, there is a need for optimizing existing drugs and techniques for analysis, as well as probing deeper to gain insights on the possible solutions to chemoresistance that is seen in some diseases like cancer. JPA, through the timely publication of relevant literature, has been a major contributor to humanity’s knowledge in this respect.
For instance, in a recent study available online on 16 February 2023 and published in Volume 13 Issue 3 of the journal in March 2023, researchers highlight the use of a technique called “3D Raman mapping” for analyzing dry-coated drug particles. Although dry coating of medicinal tablets is extensively used by the pharmaceutical industry to mask taste and control drug release, till date there has been a dearth of techniques available for the reliable analysis of dry-coated medicinal tablets.
This is the first instance of 3D Raman mapping being used to quantify the coating layer thickness or homogeneity of dry-coated drug particles. To accomplish this, the research team coated paracetamol particles with the environment friendly and FDA-approved carnauba wax and used Raman mapping to study its coating thickness. Results showed that carnauba wax was coated as discrete or continuous layer on the surface of the paracetamol particles. Besides, the coating thickness showed a high degree of variability and was able to decrease the dissolution rate of paracetamol. The method was found to be non-invasive, non-destructive, and required little effort to prepare the samples.
Talking about their study, author Miroslav Šoóš, remarks, “Raman mapping opens a new pathway for coating analysis, thus simplifying and expediting research. The resolution of images produced by Raman mapping can be quite high, even in the micrometer range.”
This study strongly suggests that dry-coated medicinal tablets can effectively slow down the dissolution of drugs, allowing certain medications that require slow release to be taken less frequently.
Another example of such high-quality research aimed at improving analytical techniques and therapies is a study by Qiu et al. It describes a new analytical technique called “heating online extraction electrospray ionization mass spectrometry” or “H-oEESI-MS,” which can detect complex traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) in an ultra-high-throughput, low-cost approach. This technique prevents the adulteration and counterfeiting of TCMs. According to author Zidong Qiu, “If this technology is widely used, it may effectively help consumers, producers and regulators to accurately identify the quality of drugs and foods within 10−30 seconds.”
Yet another recently published study showed how metformin, a drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, works via “apoptosis” and sensitizes non-angiogenic colorectal cancers to chemotherapeutic drugs. It also identified the underlying causes of chemoresistance and showed how metformin could be used to overcome chemotherapy resistance in a rodent model. In the author Guang-Yue Li’s words, “Our research provides a new theoretical solution for chemoresistance in colorectal cancer and offers possibilities for targeted treatment.”
Such contributions made to the world of biomedical research by these research teams are truly praiseworthy!